Sunday, December 2, 2007

More speculation on Google's plans for the 700 MHz spectrum

The Digital Home blog on speculates that after winning the 700 MHz spectrum auction, Google will change this industry forever.

The author Don Reisinger thinks Google will do two things with the 700 MHz spectrum (he pretty much assumes that Google will win it):
  1. Offer VoIP calling over the spectrum which will "destroy the cell phone industry as we know it today".
  2. Offer free nationwide Wi-Fi, giving "serious problems" to current ISPs, and resulting in almost every device ("HDTVs, for example") having WiFi connectivity options.

Sounds like Brother Reisinger's faith in Google is huge, unshakeable and total. And to think it is people like these that Google might disappoint, almost make us cry!

[via The Digital Home on CNET]

Related: Will Google do an Android with the 700 MHz Spectrum?

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